Recently! Mung Bean Production Situation 4

Recently! Mung Bean Production Situation 4


Recently! Mung Bean Production Situation 4

Posted by Davis in Origin Information

Recently, the price of Myanmar mung bean has been on the rise. Since June, the temperature in the northern part of the country has been gradually rising, which has affected the situation of moving goods of agricultural products. For example, the situation of moving goods of mung beans is slightly better than that of the previous period.

Recently, there has been less rain in some parts of the south, and the temperature has not increased or decreased compared with the previous years. As a result, some shipments of mung beans have picked up slightly, pushing the price of Myanmar mung bean up.

At present, in the domestic mung bean market, only a small part of the market quotation rises with the port price, and most of them still maintain the original price. If the port price continues to rise, the market price will rise with it. At present, the domestic temperature is gradually rising, in the short term, the rising trend of mung bean price is gradually higher, the later price depends on the temperature and typhoon.

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